SELF-CARE: A Powerful Tool for Managing Life

Author: Meera, December 2, 2019

Many of us have busy lives that involve responsibilities of family, community, job, learning, and leisure activities. Unfortunately, all too often at the end of that list is personal time to attend to our own health and well-being.



Start at any point in your year or life with this self-guided planner

The life you want is within your reach. Get started manifesting it with this self-guided planner





Self-care is a powerful tool for having a successful, meaningful, and joyful life. Regularly taking time to nourish your body, mind, and spirit helps you be more productive, improves confidence, enhances self-esteem, and ensures more meaningful relationships.


Self-care isn’t selfish, it’s an act of love.


In my newest book THE SELF-CARE PLANNER, I’ve created a unique weekly guide to prioritize YOU. You’ll discover activities for Body, Mind, and Spirit that reinforce each month’s empowerment theme. You will set monthly intentions and create your own workable schedule. You’ll find space at the end of each month to journal about personal insights, breakthroughs, or successful achievements.


Using THE SELF-CARE PLANNER, you are answerable only to yourself. Take time, have fun, and enjoy the process of becoming more successful, self-aware, and healthier as you achieve the life you want. This book is a perfect gift for yourself or others who do too much.






If you enjoy reading about health and wellness, check out my other books that include RITUALS FOR LIFE, HOW TO LIVE WITH INTENTION, and MY POCKET MEDITATIONS, among others.



All Meera Lester books are available online and in traditional bookstores everywhere.



More than 150 rituals for sound mind, strong body, and meaningful connections to the people around you

More than 150 rituals for sound mind, strong body, and meaningful connections to the people around you









Packed full of ideas for creating the life you want

Packed full of ideas for creating the life you want









Anyone can find peace, clarity, and focus...all it takes is a moment

Anyone can find peace, clarity, and focus…all it takes is a moment

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