These fragrant lilies return every year and bloom mid-summer

These fragrant lilies return every year and bloom mid-summer


After the recent rainstorm, I walked around my farmette and noticed small slivers of green sprouting up. They seemed to be everywhere.



I could understand the grass coming back, but the sight of summer-blooming lilies shooting through the soil was quite surprising. The sight of them got me to thinking about planting some bulbs for a springtime bloom.



The bees are drawn to the sweet scent of narcissus that have naturalized in the yard

The bees are drawn to the sweet scent of narcissus that have naturalized in the yard and bloom in the spring



Over the weekend, I dug a bed for some tulips and planted nearly 100 bulbs–some early and others late-blooming.



I also will plant some sweetly fragrant grape hyacinth. The bees are attracted to the pollen because of the scent. Honeybees especially love foraging for pollen on violet-hued tulips.



Honeybees need to find pollen all through the year, so planting bulbs that bloom before the spring wildflowers makes sense for those of us who care about the bees.



For tips on farming, raising chickens, keeping honeybees, and creating farm crafts as well as having a good mystery to solve, check out my novel, A BEELINE TO MURDER. It’s available everywhere and also online at and


Meera Lester's debut novel (release date 9/29/2015)





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