Four Reasons to Buy Bare-Root Plants

Author: Meera, April 15, 2024

Mid-February marks the beginning of bare-root season in the Bay Area. Growers ship roses, fruit trees, grapes, and berries in late January through February and March to local nurseries and DIY garden centers. By April, often sales of unsold bare-root plants begin. There are at least four good reasons to buy bare-root plants before spring officially arrives.

This bare-root apricot bore fruit its first year on our farmette.

  1. When you buy bare-root trees, berries, grapes, and other plants in late winter (here in the Bay Area), you’ll pay less for them than you will if you wait until the start of spring. The purchase price increases later in the season. When the plants begin leafing out, nurseries will place unsold bare-root plants in pots. Potting an unsold plant involves extra labor as well as the costs for the pot, soil and amendments, mulch, and possibly stakes. Those costs are passed to the shopper.

2. It’s easy to place a bare-root tree right into your garden before its sap is flowing. When it is still “asleep,” it’s not as susceptible to cold and and won’t need as much water as it will when the weather is warm, the plant has leafed out, and the roots are growing and spreading.

Thompson Seedless is just one of many
varieties of bare-root grapes.

3. Bare-root buys you time. If you are still planning your garden, you can “heal in” a bare-root plant until you are ready to put it in your garden. You just need to excavate a trench in which you temporarily place the bare-root plant. Mound soil over the roots and water. Let the plant rest until you prepare the permanent planting hole.

Among backyard bare-root fruit trees, pomegranates are
popular because they remain small and fruitful for years.

4. You have an opportunity you won’t get again to inspect the health of the root and its growth. With a bare-root plant, the roots can be examined for problems such as decay or damage. Using sharp pruning shears, you can cut away problem issues. When you buy an already potted plant, you won’t have this option.

Take a moment to visit your local plant seller, nursery, or DIY center to see what plants are available right now. Enjoy the season.

This pear tree began life on our farmette as a bare-root tree
and after three years is producing dozens of late summer pears.

If you enjoy reading about country living topics, check out Meera Lester’s Henny Penny Farmette mystery series. Besides an entertaining mystery, each book includes delicious recipes, strategies for growing heirloom vegetables and fruits, and tips for keeping chickens and bees. These novels and her nonfiction self-help and wellness books are available online and everywhere books are sold.

Cozies are written in the style made famous by Agatha Christie.

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