Doodle Your Destiny–Moves Up My Amazon Book List

Author: Meera, December 15, 2014
A book of helpful prompts to inspire you to manifest your heart's desires

A book of helpful prompts and art images intended to inspire you to  start right now manifesting your heart’s deepest desires




I just noticed that my new book–Doodle Your Destiny, Draw Your Dreams into Reality, that ties into the ancient, universal Law of Attraction, has moved up the list of my nearly two dozen book offerings on



Now, interested readers and potential buyers can peek inside some of the pages. Read my written prompts and see how the artist has created points of departures for doodling an image. Only when you finish that doodle and make the image your own, do you claim it for your dream.



If Santa doesn’t bring you the gift your heart desires, use Doodle Your Destiny to attract it.



Take a peek and think about what you’d like to manifest for 2015. You can pre-order the book in time for the New Year (its pub date is January 2, 2015). It retails for a little over $11. For more info, see:



The process is quite simple. Start dreaming . . . and give yourself permission and time to doodle. See how dreaming and doodling can work together with your laser focus and intention (such as prayer, affirmation, contemplation, and meditation) to bring what you truly want in your life.



I’ve used the ancient, universal Law of Attraction in my own life to make my dreams come true–from launching a career writing books and finding a home on the water in Miami, to establishing a new life in Northern California on the Henny Penny Farmette, and finding a new life partner after years of widowhood. The Law of Attraction process has worked for me . . . I believe it can work for you.




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