Scented Geraniums

Author: Meera, August 26, 2014
lemon-scented pelargonium is thriving in part shade

This lemon-scented Pelargonium crispum thrives in part shade and produces inch-wide, white-and-pink blooms



Brushing up against the leaves of a scented geranium releases fragrance to the area where they grow. It’s the main reason why these varieties are grown because those that bloom do not flower as colorfully or profusely as zonal geraniums.



They do, however, require the same care as zonals. They do best in well-drained, loose soil and this applies whether they are grown in pots or in the ground. They need water, but can tolerate some dry conditions.



Some scented geraniums grow from four-to-six feet tall with rounded leaves and range from a half inch to six inches (similar to oak leaves). Rubbing the leaves gently releases their potent and pleasing aroma.



Rose-scented geranium when left alone gets leggy, so frequent pruning keeps it busy

This rose-scented geranium gets leggy, so frequent pruning keeps it bushy



Growing scented geraniums is easy and a delight to the senses. Why not try some in your garden? The following is a list of scented geraniums, suggestive of their diversity:



  • Pelargonium crispum; lemon fragrance
  • Pelargonium denticulatum; pine fragrance
  • Pelargonium x fragrans; nutmeg fragrance
  • Pelargonium graveolens; rose fragrance
  • Pelargonium x nervosum; lime fragrance
  • Pelargonium odoratissimum; apple fragrance
  • Pelargonium scabrum; apricot fragrance
  • Pelargonium tomentosum; peppermint fragrance


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